Friday, February 19, 2010

Sniffles and Snuffles

My poor Little Man is home sick today.  He went to school yesterday with a bit of a sniffle and runny nose but not enough to warrant asking for a day off.  Last night he was getting snifflier and runnier, so a child's soluble paracetamol was in order before bed as he was complaining of a headache.  The poor soul was up and down all night getting drinks of water (and consequent trips to the toilet) and generally being miserable.  The Princess told me she heard him sitting outside her door at one stage, crying.  I must have slept through that part!  If it wasn't being kept awake by the croaking of frogs outside the bathroom window (I had forgotten to close it before I went to bed), it was hearing the sound of the toilet door closing and the toilet flushing all night that is the reason I am so tired!  

A quick trip to the chemist after dropping The Princess at school was in order.  We stocked up on tissues, some children's Phenergan for the runny eyes etc, and a box of paracetamol for the household (a box of 100 for $1.49).  Once home he was sent off to bed with his homework, tissues, tidy bin for used tissues and a bottle of water.  The poor little beetle is tired (thanks to the phenergan) but didn't want to be in bed.  So now he's quietly playing the Cars game on the playstation.  He's too quiet, actually, I have a feeling he's asleep.  I hope he's not, he hasn't eaten since having some Sultana Bran for breakfast (he refused a leftover piece of pizza for morning tea) and he needs to have some lunch soon.  Or maybe he needs some sleep.

There is a low forming around Cardwell, which is about 200klm north of here (I think); it's expected to move north, but these things have a habit of being unpredictable so I might do a trip to the supermarket for some bits and pieces - just in case.  Much of our supermarket supplies come in by truck from the south and we have been known to have bare shelves in the shops if the roads are cut off for too long.  We always have a cyclone kit ready anyway, but so many people don't and then when a cyclone is imminent everyone panic buys and there's nothing left in the supermarkets!  I like to keep some bread in the freezer in case we lose power and I can't use my bread maker (the joys of an electric oven and stove top).

I posted Lena's "Amber" bag yesterday so I'm looking forward to her receiving it.  I've had lots of lovely comments about it already from other bloggers I am rather chuffed.  I like this giving thing so much I can't wait to do it again.  I did try to post a picture of the owl bag I sent my aunt but there are gremlins in our internet connection (probably due to the rain) that the connection kept dropping out while uploading - I gave up after the third attempt.


  1. Such a different lifestyle your environment commands. It sounds like you are at mercy to the elements!

  2. I hope your little man is feeling better! I've sick ones this week too. Thankfully only a 24hr tummy bug, but horrible none the less. Hope the cyclone keeps away for you...

  3. Sorry to hear your little one is sick. Hope he feels better soon. Thanks for the cyclone update, I didn't realise there was another low hanging around. Can only hope it blows itself out. Keep smiling, Deb

  4. Thanks to everyone. The Princess and I got sick on Saturday afternoon. Both children stayed home yesterday (I was too sick to drive), and we are still sick. Little Man is okay, just a bit of a cough. I'm taking them to school shortly then going back to bed for a while I think.

  5. Oh, and the low didn't turn into anything and there is only a bit of rain on the radar. At least yesterday there was enough sun to wash my doona and get it on the line long enough to dry!


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