My tomatoes are going very well right now.
I have about 3 beds of tomatoes (rouge de marmande, currant, mini romas, tommy toes) and one bed with a Black Russian in it, plus odd-plantings here and there.
I'm swimming in tomatoes.
Or, rather, I should be.
You see, between the possums, bower birds and the dogs, there's not much that seems to be left over for me.
I've netted the 'roof' of the vegetable garden to try and keep out the possums and bower birds, but the bower birds just fly to the ground and walk right in then eat only half of the ripe ones.
Naughty bower birds. It's only lucky that they had a rough start to the year with Cyclone Yasi that I've forgiven them their thievery.
The dogs just help themselves to the tommy toes and red currants that are ripe and eat the larger ones green.
Naughty doggies.
I've resorted to picking them slightly reddened now and ripening them on the window sill.
The Groom says it's all my fault the dogs like tomatoes.
Last year it was "one for me, one for you..."
I think I've raised a pack of tomato-loving pooches!
If I can never find the pup (well, he's 13 months old now but he's still a big puppy), I just have to head over to the vegetable garden and find his back end sticking out of a bed - or he's curled up in the celery eating the hidden currant tomatoes!
Oh well, thank goodness I planted enough for all of us.
And I need to get The Groom to hurry up and fence the vegetable garden...
And I need to get The Groom to hurry up and fence the vegetable garden...